A strong willed woman, a woman who takes charge and knows what she wants, that woman is me. I struggle having a gentle and quiet spirit, which is pleasing to the Lord.
I am known as blunt, forward, outspoken, outgoing, for goodness sakes one of my nicknames is Rebukea!! Well this is no laughing matter, I am out of control sometimes.
The thing is when we try and do things are way we often miss out on the blessing God is trying to give us!!
Like Rebekah of the bible, who tried to take matters into her own hands and get Jacob to receive the blessing instead of Esau. Which lead to a life of cat a mouse for Jacob and made it so she never got to see her beloved Jacob again!!
The Lord was faithful to bless Jacob, because he is good, but look at the pain it caused because she tried to help God out.(Maybe its the name??!!)
Whatever it is I just need to keep my mouth shut sometimes, I do think more people need to be open and honest with each other, but I am not always the one who needs to do the, "enlightening."
This point was brought up because of an article I read in, "Today's Christian Woman Magazine,"
called, "Rebekah-The strong willed Mom," by Liz Curtis Higgs
Then again at church tonight Tosh taught on 1Peter chp 2, talking about the conduct of a woman, though this is an area I think the Lord wants to address he doesn't condemn but encourage us to move toward righteousness, he also gave me the verse, "For the Lord your God is a merciful God; He will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your forefathers." Detuteromeny 4:31
May the Lord fill your hearts with gladness!!
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